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‘Edoras those courts are called,’ said Gandalf, ‘and Meduseld is that golden hall. There dwells Theoden son of Thengel, King of the Mark of Rohan...'
- The Two Towers (Book 3) CH 6

This stronghold on a hill is the main city of Rohan and the home of the Eorl family. Brego, the offspring of Eorl the Young and the successor to the throne of Rohan, designated the town as the main city in TA 2569, shifting it from Aldburg. The magnificent hall of Meduseld, with its shining golden roof, serves as both the dwelling place of the royals and the seat of power for the kings of Rohan.

Located in the Folde, the heart of Rohan referred to as the King’s Lands, the town’s advantageous placement on a hill gives it a dominant perspective of the nearby fields, representing the fortitude and determination of its residents. Surrounded by a sturdy wooden fence, one main gate opens onto a path that slopes down to the fields beneath.

This place is not just a hub of leadership, but also represents the lasting influence and link of the Rohirrim to the productive lands that provide for them. The roads are flanked by wooden and thatched houses, with the smell of horses in the air, showcasing the strong connection between the Rohirrim and their horses.


The King of Rohan resides and rules from Edoras, the primary government center in Rohan. The city significantly influences political, military, and cultural matters, playing a key role in governing the kingdom as a whole. The King has the most power in Edoras's government, acting as both a monarch and a military commander.

The ruler of Rohan holds the greatest power in the region, tasked with making important choices impacting not just Edoras but the whole realm. During times of both war and peace, the King guides the people of Rohan, safeguarding their defense and prosperity. In a kingdom that highly values combat skills and honor, the role of being a ruler and military leader is crucial. The king relies on a loyal council made up of nobles, military leaders, and members of the royal household to advise him in governing.

The Golden Hall of Meduseld represents the leadership of Edoras, acting as the hub of politics and culture in Rohan.Meduseld acts as both the living quarters of the King and the place where he fulfills his responsibilities, such as holding court, administering justice, and making decisions that impact the entire kingdom. Within this enclosed space, the King conducts discussions with his counselors, hears requests from his subjects, and participates in official events. The Hall is also utilized as a space for meetings and assemblies, during which crucial issues regarding the kingdom are deliberated.

The way Rohan is governed reflects the strong impact of the Rohirrim's traditions and values. These customs focus on faithfulness, courage, and safeguarding the territory of the realm. It is anticipated that the King will maintain these principles, guaranteeing that Rohan stays unified and resilient, particularly during periods of emergency. The way governance is carried out in Edoras reflects its cultural heritage, with decisions prioritizing the welfare of the people and the protection of the realm.

Assisting the King in ruling Rohan are the Marshals of the Riddermark, the most senior military leaders in the realm. There are usually three Marshals: the First Marshal, in charge of forces near Edoras and stays near the King; the Second Marshal, responsible for defending the western borders; and the Third Marshal, protecting the eastern regions. These Marshals are essential in military strategy and overseeing regional governance, ensuring the King's commands are implemented throughout Rohan.

Edoras' impact reaches far beyond the city limits. The choices made in Meduseld have a ripple effect across Rohan, impacting both its governance and defense. This central authority guarantees that Rohan stays unified under one ruler, enabling the kingdom to address external dangers and internal obstacles efficiently. The strength and resilience of Rohan as a whole are directly influenced by the stability and effectiveness of the governance in Edoras.

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Text References

The Two Towers (Book 3)

  • Chapter 2: The Riders of Rohan
  • Chapter 6: The King of the Golden Hall
  • Chapter 7: Helm’s Deep
  • Chapter 8: The Road to Isengard
  • Chapter 11: The Palantír

The Return of the King (Book 5)

  • Chapter 2: The Passing of the Grey Company
  • Chapter 3: The Muster of Rohan
  • Chapter 5: The Ride of the Rohirrim

The Return of the King (Book 6)

  • Chapter 6: Many Partings

The Appendices

  • Appendix A: Annals of the Kings and Rulers
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